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Benefits of a Project Management Professional Certification


February 11 • 9 min read

Do you see your favorite restaurant listed on Google maps? Do you agree that it is now easier to pay money through online banking? If yes, then you are among the huge number of people who are embracing the technological changes happening at present. Businesses today can remain competitive only when they adapt to growing technological advancements. The same holds for employees; upskilling is the need of the hour. According to research, 54 percent of employees will need to be upskilled by 2022. It also calls for businesses to actively participate in upskilling their workforce.

If you are aspiring to take on a managerial role, then a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification will help you upgrade and benchmark your skills. The globally recognized PMP certification is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). You can stay ahead of the competition by taking up PMP certification training. PMP certified professionals are not only sought by globally renowned companies but are also one of the highest-paid professionals.

Before knowing how a PMP certification can increase your credibility, let us briefly understand what PMP certification is all about.

What is the PMP Certification?

As PMI puts it, project management is all about applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to manage activities to meet the project requirements. It aims at the achievement of a project’s target in spite of the challenges that a team faces. A certification in project management ensures that an individual has a clear understanding of the life cycles of a project. While PMI offers different certifications related to project management, the PMP certification is acknowledged internationally and probably the most popular global certification among industries. 

The PMP certification is a credential that signifies your understanding of the global language of project management. It also demonstrates a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience in bringing projects to successful completion. To earn this credential, aspirants need to pass the PMP certification exam. There are certain eligibility requirements that need to be fulfilled before applying for the exam. You can visit to get all the details.

Benefits of PMP Certification

The Project Management Salary Survey, 10th edition by PMI highlights that 82 percent of PMP certified professionals have higher salaries than their non-certified peers (23 percent higher on average). As organizations realize the importance of having skilled project managers for the successful completion of projects, professionals can no more ignore the benefits of achieving a PMP certification.

Here are some of the top benefits:

Useful for project managers of virtually any industry

From tech companies to banking or even manufacturing, project managers are required in every industry. Whatever your area of expertise, PMP certification is the right choice for you. The reason is any company willing to deliver products on time or meeting any sales goals needs good project management. You can become a reliable person for finding the solution to any problem in a project by utilizing your project management skills.

Demand is high

According to a report by PMI, there will be nearly 22 million new jobs for project management professionals by 2027. As project managers are major contributors to productivity, employers will always seek certified project managers to bring in new projects as well as to complete a project successfully. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Boeing, Airbus, and McKinsey & Company are some of the top employers of project management professionals.

Global recognition

Companies across the world acknowledge PMP certification, unlike other certifications that focus on a specific domain or location. You will become a part of the community of professionals and companies that speak the global language of project management and share their ideas. If you have always dreamt of working in a foreign country, then PMP certification can open your doors to the job opportunities available there.

Better salary prospects

There’s never been a better time to be a project manager as is evident from PMI’s Project Manager Salary Survey, 11th Edition. Switzerland, the United States, and Australia are the countries that offer the highest median salaries to project managers – as high as $132,086. The medial salary steadily increases with the individual’s duration of holding a PMP certification.

Stay updated with PMP best practices

When applying for a PMP certification, aspirants first need to become a member of the PMI. This allows the candidates to be a part of the meetings that are regularly conducted by the PMI. While it is helpful in earning Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain the PMP certification, candidates also get the benefit of staying up-to-date with the project management industry and network.

Now that you know about the benefits of PMP certification, it is natural to think about how one can achieve this certification. Well, the next section covers this information.

PMP Training – Your Path to Getting Certified

PMI has a rigorous audit process to ensure that the candidates applying for the PMP certification exam have the necessary qualifications and experience. Considering the experience, a person with an associate’s degree needs to have at least 60 months of experience, while the one with a bachelor’s degree needs to have nearly 36 months of experience. Now, for working professionals having mid-level experience, it is difficult to do self-study to prepare for the PMP exam. This is where PMP training can help. There are a few reliable training providers whose courses are aligned with the syllabus of the PMP exam and guide professionals throughout their PMP journey. Mentoring sessions are conducted by PMP certified trainers, and aspirants get the best learning experience through quizzes and simulation exams. All you need to do is find that reliable training provider and get going.

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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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