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Cheaper Assessments starting the first week of March!


March 06 • 3 min read

Summer is here!

For a lot of our graduating students, the month of March is not only the beginning of the season of summer, but it also marks the beginning of their job search and applications.

This also means that the Fresh Grad Recruitment season is almost here! We want our Kalibrr recruiters to be the smartest and fastest recruiters in the market with these new updates!

Assessments at the right price and right amount of time! 

We understand that your recruiting and assessment needs vary. At one point in time, you could be assessing for basic skill sets like english and typing proficiency for  3 months. Another possible scenario is that you need to hire immediately and only want to test for programming skills for a period of 2 months.

P20,000 6 months validity => P1,400 unlimited 1 month use.

P30,000 6 months validity => P2,700 unlimited 1 month use. 


Kalibrr Assessments offer a lot of value to our large clients by eliminating low impact recruiter tasks such as scheduling test administration, producing test copies, and checking results. 


We’re very excited to make it our assessments more accessible for recruiters who work in small and medium enterprises with shorter time frames and specialised assessments needs.

Spend more time with the best candidates now! Read more here or contact to inquire further about assesssment.

Jobseekers have new navigation bars! 

To increase the number of applications made and to ensure that they reply immediately to your invites, we took out the “My Jobs” tab and added Applications, Invites, Saved Jobs, and Recommended jobs on their navigation bar.


Other updates:

New e-mail headers!

We changed out e-mail headers to help you glance and filter through our notifications in your e-mail faster.

A candidate applied to <>JOB —> [JOB] Name’s Application

Displayed the company name of job applied to when jobseeker is applying within the same conglomerate! 

Recruiters who belong to the same of group of companies can now see what other companies their jobseeker has applied to within the group of companies.

That’s all for this week! We’re launching big features soon and we’re excited to announce the next product update!

Happy recruiting, everyone!


The Kalibrr Team

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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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