Grameen Pilipinas Microfinance, Inc

Grameen Pilipinas Microfinance, Inc

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Quezon CityPhilippines

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Financial Services

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Về Grameen Pilipinas Microfinance, Inc

We started 2004 Grameen Australia started groundwork in Northern Samar with the help of LGUs. 2011, A 2-year pilot program was initiated in two impoverished informal settlements in Manila by establishing a micro finance enterprise using the principles advocated by Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank . 2014, Grameen Australia (Philippines), Inc. was institutionalized, expanding its area of operation to Rizal Province and Nueva Vizcaya, all the while collaborating with Telstra and Oceana Gold. 2018, In compliance with the government’s mandate on micro finance NGOs, the organization changed its name to GRAMEEN PILIPINAS MICROFINANCE, INC., 2019 Grameen Pilipinas Microfinance Inc. emerged from under the wing of Grameen Australia to become its own independent entity. Under a largely Philippine Board of Trustees, it continues to scale its operations and develop the strategic plan to best serve the needs of its deprived borrower communities.' VISION: ‘’The HUB of Microfinance in nurturing families to uplift themselves, CONTRIBUTE to their community and take care of the planet” MISSION: “Offer quality and innovative products and services that have social, environmental & economic impact.” CORE VALUES: Accountable Transparency Servanthood Integrity Excellence
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