iConnect Global Communication Inc.

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Về iConnect Global Communication Inc.

iConnect Global Communications Inc. is engaged primarily in Business Processing Outsource. It is managed by a team of qualified professionals with years of experience in international service, data processing, system development/maintenance and value added Support.Our company is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovation technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.Equipped with high - end technology and specializing in inbound multi-level marketing customer support, we are capable of providing inbound and outbound services as well as seat rental services that will meet out client's need.We put a high premium in our professional staff regardless of where they are in the organization.We believe in people with having the right attitude more than aptitude, all of these professionals are linked to one common objective – To make your business an ongoing success. iConnect Global Communications is in need of On-the-Job trainees. This role is open to all students who have the passion to learn and grow in a BPO industry.

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