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Về LanguageBees

Language Bees intends to build a prospective relationship with clients. Ethical work, exceptional service, fresh ideas, and sustaining long-term relationships with clientele are factors we go above and beyond to achieve. Our company serves as an extension of each client's team as they are a part of our own. Dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in our convenient, approachable design which yields high appraisal. Language Bees works with dozens of change-making companies. Being in the industry for so long, we understand customer needs along with confidentiality and privacy. Our Global linguistics understand Code of Ethics, Roles of the Interpreter, HIPAA & PHI, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse and are certified medical Interpreters. It is imperative for us to know who our customers are. Determining our target audience allows us to classify them by industry and/or various attributes. Our objective strives to define the selling proposition as well as address the customer’s demands.
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