Ponderosa Leather Goods Co., Inc.

Ponderosa Leather Goods Co., Inc.

Địa chỉ văn phòng

002 Sumulong Highway, Bo, Mayamot, Antipolo City


Về Ponderosa Leather Goods Co., Inc.

Established in 1980, Ponderosa Leather Goods Co., Inc. was the first company in the country to manufacture baseball fielder's gloves for export. It has since spawned an industry that consists of some of the largest baseball glove factories in the world. To this day, the Philippines remain as a major baseball glove supplier to the North American market. The company is a joint venture among local Filipino businessmen and foreign investors from the United States and Taiwan. The company is accredited with the country’s Board of Investments (BOI). As a BOI-registered firm, the company enjoys incentives such as duty-free importation of raw materials through its customs bonded manufacturing warehouse facility. This enables it to compete head-on with manufacturers from other countries. The company has gone through three expansion programs with the Board of Investments for its baseball glove operation. Today, the company is one of the largest baseball glove factories in the world with an annual capacity of nine hundred fifty thousand baseball gloves. The company employs more than 400 direct employees during its peak season.
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