Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc.

Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc.

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#318-320, Santolan Road, cor 1st and 2nd West Streets, San Juan City, San Juan, NCR, Philippines

San JuanPhilippines

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Về Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc.

The Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc. (PSMBFI) is a duly registered non-stock, non-profit mutual benefit fund association, organized to provide insurance protection, and financial and material aid to its members. PSMBFI is committed to provide life insurance coverage for public safety practitioners, both uniformed and civilian. With minimal requirements, PSMBFI immediately releases the cash advance to the beneficiaries to help pay for the member's funeral and burial expenses. Once all the requirements are completed, the full amount of insurance claims is immediately processed. The association endeavors to continuously improve the benefits given and services rendered to its members. Furthermore, it remains steadfast in its commitment to fulfill its Corporate Social Responsibility Programs to its constituents. As a financial institution, PSMBFI implements financial literacy programs to educate members from different public safety agencies nationwide. The association has a strong membership base composed of the uniformed and civilian personnel from the following agencies/institutions: * Philippine National Police * National Police Commission * Bureau of Fire Protection * DOTC- Office of Transportation Security * Philippine National Police Academy * Philippine Coast Guard * National Mapping and Resource Information Authority * Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) * Philippine Public Safety College * Department of Environment and Natural Resources * Bureau of Immigration * Land Transportation Office (LTO)
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