Telus International Philippines
Địa chỉ văn phòng
Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
Ngành nghề
Business Process OutsourcingVề Telus International Philippines
A pioneer in the global call center outsourcing and IT development industry, TELUS International Philippines is backed by a multi-national, multi-billion dollar Canadian telecommunications giant. TELUS International delivers extraordinary customer service and value to the world’s most sophisticated clients.
We provide a full range of cost-effective, high-quality call center outsourcing services and IT solutions for customer care, sales, technical support, market research, back-office support, IT development and business process outsourcing. Our clients include companies in the telecommunications, financial services, computer electronics, gaming, energy and utilities industries.
Our people are dynamic, think on their feet, and can quickly and effectively resolve customer inquiries. All of which underpins our commitment to clients: superior service quality and cost-effective delivery of call center and IT outsourcing solutions.