Philippine Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
Office Address
SCC Bldg., 106 C. Palanca St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
TelecommunicationsAbout Philippine Telegraph & Telephone Corp.
PT&T has been a leader in the telecommunications field since 1962. Pioneering many of Philippine telecommunications most significant categories, PT&T has a long and storied history at the forefront of the industry. PT&T's notable accomplishments include:
the Philippine's first and leading national telegram network, the earliest and widest national corporate lease line and packet data network(since 1980), the nation's largest paging network (via affiliate Pocketbell), and among first providers to nationally deploy a fully ip based broadband network.
Today, our renewed vision for our broadband service focuses on delivering customer centered, high reliability, high performance enterprise broadband. We are pioneering a new type of enterprise class broadband service that is truly mission critical and constructed to better meet your emerging needs amidst the ever fast changing information and communications landscape.
We have always been pioneers at heart, finding and deploying new service solutions attuned to emerging communications technology needs. Today, this means making the future of broadband internet work more effectively for your enterprise.