Job Description
• Verifikasi transaksi pengeluaran dan penerimaan uang.
• Memeriksa Laporan Harian dan rekonsiliasi rekening koran (Monthly, yang diperiksa adalah transaksi harian)
• Melakukan fungsi taskforcing dalam rangka menyelesaikan masalah finance operation di cabang
• Menjaga hubungan baik denga Bank
• Bersama-sama team accounting & tax melakukan training & development Finance Cabang
• SOP Development, Implementation, & Control to branch
Minimum Qualifications
- Kandidat minimal harus memiliki gelar Sarjana strata 1
- Berasal dari jurusan Finance, Accounting, Management, Tax
- Diusahakan memiliki Brevet A dan B
- Pengalaman Finance menjadi Nilai Tambah
- Dapat bekerja sesuai dengan deadline yang ditentukan
Jobs Summary
- Job Level
- Entry Level / Junior, Apprentice
- Job Category
- Accounting and Finance
- Educational Requirement
- Bachelor's degree graduate
- Recruiter response to application
- Sometimes
- Office Address
- Menara FIF (Head Office) Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 15 Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12440
FIFGROUP, a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk, was established in 1989 and operates in the consumer financing sector. Their primary focus is financing Honda motorcycles through FIFASTRA. Additionally, they offer electronics and furniture financing through SPEKTRA, and multipurpose financing through DANASTRA. AMITRA provides financing for Haji, Umrah, and other Sharia services. FIFGROUP's vision is to become the best financing company in Indonesia, with a mission to deliver superior financial solutions and customer satisfaction.