AIEC Island Light and Water Corp.

Business Management & Administration  

AIEC Island Light and Water Corp.

  • Makati, Philippines
    3a, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
    Metro Manila
  • Penuh waktuFULL_TIME

Lowongan dipasang 7 days ago dan batas waktu lamaran adalah 15 Jul

Rekruter terakhir aktif 7 days ago


Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Will assist business management to reorganize and manage remote office operations and to oversee regular collection of accounting information from project fields sites to head office and then supporting accounting team to assemble date into regular management and financial statement reports for management and financiers. Work closely with senior staff and work will be varied and require creative approaches to problem solving.

Kualifikasi Minimum

  • Strong analytical and planning skills;\
  • Knowledge and experience with Accounting Systems such as Quickbooks, Xero
  • Experience preparaing and presenting management reports on financials and business operations.
  • Good communication and presentation skills;
    • Excellent problem-solving skills;

Ringkasan Perkerjaan

Tingkat Posisi
Supervisor / Asisten Manager
Accounting and Finance
Persyaratan tingkat pendidikan
Lulus program Sarjana (S1)
Alamat Kantor
138 LP Leviste Sts.
Oil / Energy / Solar / Greentech
1 lowongan dibuka

Agar merasa aman saat melamar: carilah ikon verifikasi dan selalu lakukan riset terhadap Perusahaan yang Anda lamar. Hindari dan laporkan situasi dimana Perusahaan membutuhkan bayaran dalam proses rekrutmen mereka.

Tentang AIEC Island Light and Water Corp.

AIEC ILAW is an international clean energy, water and community development company specializing in electrifying remote communities in island settings.

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