Channel Growth Ltd. Co.

Channel Growth Ltd. Co.

Alamat Kantor

Keppel Business Center, Cardinal Rosales Ave, 12th Floor, Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines



Tentang Channel Growth Ltd. Co.

Channel Growth is a sales on demand service. We work with startups in a wide range of verticals, including ecommerce, local services tech, and restaurant tech, to design predicable scalable sales campaigns for your product or service. Founders and executives turn to Channel Growth when they are: ● seeking a predictable scalable way to to distribute their offering ● aggressively looking for additional ways to fill their sales pipeline ● struggling with sales results that are not at the level they would like ● need the ability to scale a sales team up and down on demand ● facing increased pressure to diversify their distribution channels to entice new business ● looking for ways to supplement and solidify their client acquisition strategy Channel Growth is the premium provider of sales on demand because we can: ● design and optimize a sales pipeline for you that consistently delivers highly qualified leads and predictable revenue streams ● source large amounts of data, such as hundreds of thousands of ecommerce shops, local service providers, and restaurants, and segment them to bring you targeted prospects at scale ● empower you to measure and optimize all campaigns with robust stats and metrics so you see increased ROI over the life of your campaign ● generate thousands of targeted leads daily to ensure your calling campaigns are always running full throttle putting prospects in need in your sales funnel
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