Alamat Kantor
10F Del Rosario Law Centre, 21st Drive Corner 20th Drive, BGC, Taguig, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines
Financial ServicesTentang I AM PLUS LIMITLESS
Who we are:
Founded in May 2016 by Jon Herrera and Russ Juson. We are a character building and learning experience organization which focuses in developing Life and Wealth Coaches through personal growth, health and fitness, spirituality, productivity and mindfulness.
We are Rule Breakers. We encourage everyone to question their belief systems and redefine life, happiness and success on their own terms, by choosing ideas and values that fulfill them and rejecting the ones that limit them
Committed for continuous education and personal growth
Encourage to question your belief systems and redefine life, happiness and success on your own terms, by choosing ideas and values that fulfill you and rejecting the ones that limit you.
Work and live by the Code of Awesomeness, which enlists the values we have collectively voted for - such as the importance of integrity, gratitude and taking responsibility for your words and actions.
Encourage to question your belief systems and redefine life, happiness and success on your own terms, by choosing ideas and values that fulfill you and rejecting the ones that limit you.
Work and live by the Code of Awesomeness, which enlists the values we have collectively voted for - such as the importance of integrity, gratitude and taking responsibility for your words and actions.
What is Expected of You?
Your product is YOU. Build your self-worth through daily rituals.
“There are no rejections, only feedback that you have not built yourself as a masterpiece. If you are a master in your business, people will just fall in line wanting to do business with you.” – Coach Russ Juson