Tentang LSS-SAPU
LSS was founded in 2004 where it provided its services for the security of “Athens 2004” Olympic Games. Nowadays, LSS specialises in Oil and Mine' facilities security services both ashore and at sea. LSS retains active contact points/offices in London, Athens, Istanbul and Galle.
LSS focused on the Somali Piracy phenomenon and founded the Special Anti Piracy Unit (SAPU) as a response.
SAPU is made up of Hellenic Nationality professionals, trained in the Special Forces of the Hellenic Army, highly experienced, constantly trained with 25 Certifications/Qualifications each. Also, LSS - SAPU is a BIMCO Associate PMSC member, ISO 28007:2012 & ISO 9001:2008 certified by Lloyd's Registry and a signatory company of the International Code of Conduct - ICoC.