

Verified Kalibrr employer 

Alamat Kantor

Puri Mansion, South Kembangan, West Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia


Tentang Modalku

Modalku is an online marketplace based in Jakarta, Indonesia for small businesses to acquire loans and for lenders to fund small business loans to earn compelling returns.

Our technology-based approach enables borrowers to receive loans for the first time or at lower than market rates, while lenders will earn returns well above that of bank deposits, traditional fixed income products and life insurance investment-linked products. This marketplace lending model is proven in countries such as USA, UK, China & Singapore.

SMEs are a key source of employment and economic growth in Indonesia, but are structurally disabled by financial institutions to get the financing they need, despite being generally profitable companies. Meanwhile, investors & depositors looking to fend off a high inflation rate need a more reliable way to generate higher returns. Modalku is committed to solve these problems through proactive innovation and collaboration with borrowers, lenders and the broader ecosystem in Indonesia.

Because together, we create a much better Indonesia.

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