Verified Kalibrr employerAlamat Kantor
Jalan Pejaten Barat Raya No.13, Kel. Pejaten Barat Kec. Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Information Technology / ITTentang Qlue
QLUE is a social platform available for web, android and iOS which is design to improve cities using its citizens interactions by enhancing their rights to push positive change around their neighborhood Featured with tools to complain using photo/video, labels, reporting status and locations, QLUE is proven to be an ultimate solution for government and industries to listen in to complains, inputs or aspirations about their work. Embracing social media and gamification system, our app will literally fix public-service related problems which directly solve issues for infrastructure, mobility, environment, safety, economy and the list goes on. We believe in people, together with people we can thrive to change the world for the better.