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PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

Magang Bakti BCA  

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

  • Central Jakarta, Indonesia
    Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310, Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Central Jakarta
  • Full timeFULL_TIME

Posted 4 days ago and deadline of application is on 19 Apr

Recruiter was hiring a day ago


Job Description

Program Permagangan Bakti (MGB) terbuka buat kamu yang ingin bergabung menjadi Frontliner BCA. Kamu akan mendapatkan training dan pengalaman bekerja yang akan mempersiapkanmu menjadi seorang profesional.

Gambaran Pekerjaan:
Sebagai seorang Frontliner, kamu bertugas melayani serta memberikan solusi perbankan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan nasabah. Posisi ini cocok untuk kamu yang ramah serta terampil. Kamu akan berinteraksi langsung dengan berbagai nasabah yang ada di kantor cabang BCA.

Benefit buat kamu:
Kamu akan mendapatkan training, uang saku setiap bulan, cuti, tunjangan kesehatan, dan diakhir program kamu akan mendapatkan sertifikat serta tunjangan beasiswa.

Informasi Seleksi:
BCA bekerjasama dengan PT Sentral Layanan Prima (SLP) & PT IFO CharCom Empowerment untuk proses seleksi Magang Bakti area Jabodetabek.

Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang mengatasnamakan BCA. Seluruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi BCA tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Minimum Qualifications


  • Ramah,terampil, solutif, dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Pria atau wanita berpenampilan menarik
  • Lulusan SMA / SMK (nilai rata-rata rapor semester 5,6 min. 70)
  • Lulusan D1 - D3 dan S1 (IPK min. 2,50)
  • Warga Negara Indonesia berusia 18 s/d 24 tahun
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang BCA di wilayah kota seleksi
  • Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani Program Permagangan Bakti
  • Belum pernah mengikuti program Magang Bakti BCA sebelumnya

Jobs Summary

Job Level
Entry Level / Junior, Apprentice
Job Category
Customer Service
Educational Requirement
Graduated from high school
Recruiter response to application
Once in a while
Office Address
Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310
Financial Services
10 openings

Feel secure when applying: look for the verified icon and always do your research on a company. Avoid and report situations when employers require payment or work without compensation as part of their application process.

About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

Ever since it was established in 1957, Bank Central Asia (BCA) has continued to grow. This has been the result of the dedicated teamwork of every single one of our employees and the unflagging support of our customers. In line with our commitment to be “Always by Your Side”, BCA will continue to strive to earn the trust, and live up to the expectations, of all the Bank’s customers and other stakeholders in its drive to continue to achieve ongoing growth. From the beginning, BCA has always offered diverse financial solutions through banking transaction services for many diverse groups and ages. And now everyone can enjoy the banking transaction ease and convenience BCA offers, enabled by strong inter-branch links, an extensive ATM network, and all the other electronic banking services the Bank offers. Through the extensive range of well-targeted, high quality products and services the Bank provides, BCA’s financial solutions have proven they encourage the business growth of all the Bank’s customers, whether small, medium-sized, or large-scale businesses. For BCA, earning customers’ trust through offering them the best solutions to meet their financial needs is an honor and a source of pride. By living our slogan, “Always by Your Side”, BCA will continue to strive to provide all its customers with only the very best services and solutions.
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