HCX Technology Partners
Human Resources / HRWebsite
https://www.facebook.com/pg/HCXTechnologyPartners/about/?ref=page_internalhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/HCXTechnologyPartners/about/?ref=page_internalAbout HCX Technology Partners
HCX Technology Partners, Inc. offers innovative solutions and services that enable organizations’ HR and other Core units to leverage on leading-edge platforms, systems, and tools to improve productivity,
enhance user experience and reduce costs. HCX partners with best-of-breed solution providers and professionals to make significant strategic contributions to enable its clients to achieve great business
outcomes. From its HR-Payroll platforms and end-to-end HR solutions like Mobile HR and Analytics to its Digital Workforce solutions, HCX improves the delivery of corporate services, empowers employees,
and enables the organization to be a more flexible, value-adding and strategic business unit.