Engineering Department
Government AdministrationSitus
https://quezoncity.gov.ph/index.php/about-the-city-government/departments/190-engineering-departmenthttps://quezoncity.gov.ph/index.php/about-the-city-government/departments/190-engineering-departmentTentang Engineering Department
As one of the most important implementing units in the City Government, the Engineering Department’s role and responsibility in developing infrastructures and public works will address the challenges of urbanization in the National Capital Region.
Hence, one of the goals of the Engineering Department is to build a community which is a healthy, walkable, tourist friendly city with a better environment and eased traffic flow. Moreover, it also aims to serve and provide the public, a city with an emerging dynamic economy and global positioning as well.
At present, it is believed that expanding and strengthening the department is needed to fully achieve the vision and mission of the Quezon City Government. Additionally, this action will increase the department’s efficiency to act as a logically coherent system in providing its people a better and more comfortable life.
To provide efficient basic infrastructure services at all times, by continuously strengthening the Engineering Department’s organizational backbone through professionalism, cooperation, and shared values.
The Engineering Department envisions itself to have implemented hand-in-hand with the Chief Executive, basic facilities and infrastructures that shall ensure environmental protection and social security through a culture of organizational excellence.